OpenSearchCon 2023 speakers, sessions, and more

Tue, Aug 22, 2023 · Kris Freedain, James McIntyre

Last year’s first-ever OpenSearchCon was a smashing success (you can find videos of the talks here if you’re interested).

This year’s conference promises to be bigger and even better. The response to our call for presentations was overwhelming and a signal of just how strong and knowledgeable this community is. To keep pace with the interest we’re seeing, the conference is growing—from one day to three, from a single track to four tracks. Whether you’re looking to dive deep into search; analytics, observability, and security; community; or operating OpenSearch, this year’s agenda offers ample opportunities to hear from experts in the areas you’re most interested in.

Register for OpenSearchCon 2023

TheOpenSearchCon Session Lineup is available now, with details on each talk, and you can meet the 2023 OpenSearchCon speakers to learn more about our roster of engaging presenters.

Attendees also have the opportunity to connect with 22 exhibiting partners at this year’s event, so make plans to visit the exhibit hall to hear from builders who are eager to talk, share a demo, and showcase the exciting things they’re doing with OpenSearch.

The conference kicks off on Wednesday, 9/27, with an Unconference, where the attendees get to decide which topics they want to cover and who they want to hear from: everyone gets a card to write down their ideas, the group votes for their favorites, and the speakers have 15 minutes to deliver their topic.

If that’s not enough, we’re hosting roundtable sessions for partners where they can collaborate, ask questions, exchange ideas, and share their experiences with OpenSearch. Then we end the week with a free workshop that offers hands-on learning about what OpenSearch can help you do with your data: how to ingest, secure, search, aggregate, visualize, and analyze data using the OpenSearch toolkit. Be sure to stay through Friday and continue to expand your knowledge of the platform!

If you haven’t registered yet, be sure to visit the registration page and sign up. Spots will fill up, so don’t delay. If you’re traveling to Seattle, the conference has reserved a hotel block at the Sheraton Grand Seattle that offers special rates.

We're excited to put some faces to names at OpenSearchCon this year