Partner Highlight: AWS releases Amazon Personalize Search Ranking for self-managed OpenSearch

Thu, Jul 27, 2023 · Shreeya Sharma

OpenSearch partner and contributor AWS recently released Amazon Personalize Search Ranking, a new plugin for self-managed OpenSearch that helps users leverage the deep learning capabilities offered by Amazon Personalize and apply personalization to their search results. For users of open-source OpenSearch version 2.9.0 or later, this plugin allows you to go beyond traditional keyword matching and boost relevant items in an end user’s search results, based on their interests, context, and past interactions, in real time. You can also control the level of personalization for each search query, and you can compare personalized search results to the default OpenSearch ranker and assess improvements with OpenSearch Dashboards. For more details, check out the AWS What’s New announcement, and refer to the AWS documentation to learn how to get started.