
How To: Upgrade from Open Distro to OpenSearch

Jul 08, 2021 • technical-posts

As general availability for OpenSearch and OpenSearch Dashboards is fast approaching, we wanted to provide some guidance on upgrading Open Distro for Elasticsearch (Open Distro) 1.13 to OpenSearch 1.0, along...

Introducing the community projects page

Jun 30, 2021 • community

Many open source projects benefit from the ecosystem of software created on top of or for the project. As an example, the Node Package Manager (NPM) makes JavaScript more approachable....

OpenSearch Reporting 101

Jun 29, 2021 • feature

The OpenSearch Reporting feature helps users generate reports from Dashboards, Visualizations, and the Discover panel and export them to PDF, PNG, and CSV file formats to easily share. In this...

How do you plan on getting data into OpenSearch?

Jun 21, 2021 • community

I expect very few people will only use OpenSearch and OpenSearch Dashboards. Sure, you might do a little testing with the sample data in OpenSearch Dashboards, but really you’re going...

OpenSearch 1.0 Backwards Compatibility FAQ

Jun 09, 2021 • technical-posts

In introducing OpenSearch we said: The Amazon OpenSearch Service APIs will be backwards compatible with the existing service APIs to eliminate any need for customers to update their current client...

OpenSearch Release Candidate (RC1) is now available

Jun 07, 2021 • update

Today I am excited to announce the Release Candidate (RC1) for version 1.0.0 of both OpenSearch (derived from Elasticsearch 7.10.2) and OpenSearch Dashboards (derived from Kibana 7.10.2). The Release Candidate...

My First Steps in OpenSearch Plugins

Jun 03, 2021 • technical-posts

Taking the leap, not the plunge Personally, I’ve always wanted to contribute to an open-source project, but never found a way to incorporate it with my day-to-day work. Occasionally, I’d...

The OpenSearch roadmap is now available on GitHub

May 25, 2021 • update

I wanted to share that a new public roadmap was published to the OpenSearch project’s GitHub. The roadmap shows the next several months of planned features and releases. Going forward,...

OpenSearch Beta 1

May 13, 2021 • update

We are excited to release the OpenSearch Beta 1.0 (derived from Elasticsearch 7.10.2) and OpenSearch Dashboards Beta 1.0 (derived from Kibana 7.10.2). With this beta release, we have refactored all...

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step

Apr 12, 2021 • update

Welcome to OpenSearch news. In this section we plan to update the community on new developments and call attention to great things happening around OpenSearch.

Using fine grained access control for search

Oct 27, 2020 • technical-posts

Open Distro for Elasticsearch has extensive access control capabilities built right in. Of course, access control can prevent access to sensitive information, but it can also help you build applications...

Early November Community Meeting

Oct 26, 2020 • meetings

We’ve got a jam-packed agenda for this biweekly community meeting! Join us on Monday, November 2nd at 10am Pacific (UTC-7) on Zoom. Our focus topics will include:

Developer Advocacy with Open Distro for Elasticsearch

Oct 09, 2020 • community-updates

While Open Distro for Elasticsearch is an open-source, community-led project, we are gaining another full-time person devoted to the project (me). Before I start contributing and interacting with the community,...

Open Distro for Elasticsearch 1.10.1 is now available

Sep 30, 2020 • odfe-updates

We are pleased to announce the release of Open Distro for Elasticsearch 1.10.1. With this release we are adding support for several new features including a new command line interface...

Open Distro for Elasticsearch now Supports integration with Tableau and Microsoft Excel

Jul 29, 2020 • odfe-updates

We now facilitate connecting Elasticsearch with two of the most powerful business intelligence and data visualization applications, Tableau and Microsoft Excel. To achieve this, we introduce the Open Distro for...